Tendency: Python Print
-The python print slides on the catwalks this season with the same majestic and exotic sinuosity you would see in the jungles. For women, it is in the form of coats, dresses and all imaginable variety of accessories.
-El estampado de pitón se desliza por las pasarelas de esta temporada con la misma majestuosa sinuosidad y exotismo que le veríamos en las selvas vírgenes. Para las mujeres, lo hace en la forma de abrigos, vestidos y toda la variedad imaginable de complementos.
by: DIOR
-From the quiet elegance of the nude and pastel palette to the intense notes of fuchsia, green and yellow, the python print is displayed in a striking palette. Bottega Venetta led to his classic cuts parade patinated copper. At Chloé, was seen in tops, blouses and evening gowns, while the house Missoni maxiabrigos led to impressive.
-Desde la elegancia quieta de la paleta nude y pastel hasta las intensas notas del fucsia, el verde y los amarillos, el python print se muestra en una gama de colores sorprendente. Bottega Venetta le llevó a su desfile en cortes clásicos patinados de cobre. En Chloé, le vimos en tops, blusas y vestidos de noche; mientras que la casa Missoni le llevó a impresionantes maxiabrigos.
by: Missoni
by: ZARA
-Celebrities have already signed up to the court of python print to walk in the jungle of luxury. Jennifer Lopez has a total look, Gwyneth Paltrow its accessories and Princess Victoria also joins them ... just need you!
-Thanks @VOGUE♥ for the Info.
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